May 2022 Group Exhibition Entry

White Rhino Artspace, St Leonards


Showcase your art this May in our group exhibition, Tender

Apply here and be part of the White Rhino Artspace curated group exhibition - running from 4 to 14 May 2022.

At White Rhino Artspace we encourage you to share your creativity with our followers and art lovers.

Drawing, painting, sculpture, textiles or any form of mixed media -  showcase your artwork in our bright two room art space in St Leonards - in turn you will inspire others. 

Simply complete the entry form below and email us the details of 1-5 artworks by 31 March 2022 you would like to be part of our group exhibition. For any concepts or incomplete work, please provide a description in the space indicated on the form.


Participation in Tender. All we charge is a $60 entry fee (includes up to five artworks) payable upon confirmation from White Rhino of the inclusion of your artworks in the exhibition and 30% commission if your artwork(s) sell(s).

Expressions of Interest close Thursday 31 March 2022

White Rhino Art Space reserves the right to select artworks to appear in the exhibition. Registrations are limited and the total number of works dependent on the dimensions of the works submitted. Successful artists will be based on a first come first served basis, and those which work harmoniously with the theme. Artists will be notified by 15 April, 2022 if their submission has been successful.